In 2013, just one year after I joined the program, Hoban mock trial lost Jeff and Peg–its lead legal advisor and team mom. It was dealt a blow from which I thought the program could never recover.
The next twelve years were filled with trials and tribulations. But the program somehow persisted. Students, teacher advisors, coaches–we continued to believe. We continued to dream. Someday, one day, we’d make it back.
The path to rebuilding this program and victory hasn’t been linear. Some years, we advanced far. Some years, our season ended early. But with each loss came lessons. And each loss stoked a fire–a desire–to win. To become undeniable.
And so, on March 8, 2025, the little engine that could climbed the mountain to, at long last, be declared: “State Champions.”
On behalf of myself, Kurt Weitendorf, Chris Parker, Mike Caprez, and student advisor Jared Topp, thank you for cheering us on and being with us every step of the way. HCP’s support has been integral to this program’s success.